Riding Lessons and Rates
Troop and Private Lessons

Seaton Hackney Stables offers both private and semi-private lessons for the rider(s) who want more flexibility in scheduling or individual attention as well as troop lessons based on skill level.

Private lessons are a great way for students to have one-on-one instruction, developing strong bonds with the instructor and their horse. Instructors work closely with their students, adjusting the course of study based on each unique rider's needs. Gift certificates and riding cards are available.

For group lessons in a troop, students study together, learning skills as a group. Troop lessons fill up quickly so call now for the Spring 2007 schedule or sign up for our email alerts.

Lesson Rates:
  • Private Lessons: $65/hr. or $38/half hr.
  • Semi Private Lessons: $48/hr.
  • Spring Troop Lesson $315